With You

by myshiningstar14   Apr 19, 2006

My thoughts so clear
thats how I know you're
near, and away like an
eagle my fears vanish.

My heart so passionate
and the love that oozes
from it. I know this is it,
because with you around
things are always better.

I feel your love,
I feel your heart.

With you I'm whole.
With you I'll never fold.

My smiles that turn into
laughter, and how
nothing matters the way
it use to.

My hands a perfect fit,
and still I know this is
it, because with you
things are always better.

I feel your fingers tips,
and I know this isn't a
dream I'm in. I feel your
hands holding my heart
so tight, how this feels so

With you I'll never be cold.
With you I want to grow old.

**this is ok I guess tell em what u think...thanks Lissa**


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  • 18 years ago

    by stargirl49

    Awww, lissa!! another wonderful poem that makes me cry!! i miss you so much already!! it's hard to keep reading your works cuz it reminds me that i'll never see you again. you're all the way out in utah now.
    well, actually you're in kansas, but what's the difference?
    luv ya!!!

  • 18 years ago

    by Tripp

    Its better than ok, just to let you know ;-). i can identify with all of your love poems, and it never gets old reading them either...i'm telling you what I think, and that is that this is a great poem. your boyfriends a lucky guy