I Come to you...

by myshiningstar14   Apr 19, 2006

Hungry I come to you,
to help me get through;
and you're the one I

Thirsty I come to you,
to help me make it
through, and so that I'm
no longer blue.

Weary I come to you
because you're the only
One I know that can heal
me like you do.

Confused I come to you,
so you can wipe away the
stains of my pain. Still
when you say my name,
the pain trickles out of
me and into you.

You carry my pain by
name, and I am left
with no shame.
Through you this love
has come, and through
your Son, this will is done.

Nervous I come to you, to
help me pass on by, no I
won't lye, sometimes I
want to say good-bye.

Afraid I come to you, for I
know we can make it. I
will not sit, and watch my
world pass me bye. I will
not dye and let Satan win.

Lonely I come to you,
for I know you'll remain
faithful and true.

Child-like I come to you,
because I really have no
clue, and still you're the
One I choose.

Happy I come to you,
for I know every thing's
going to be alright. In
one night you can do
more than I could ever

You carry my heart like
it's a porcelain doll,
still it's your call. I give
it all, and I know that in
the I'll never fall, because
you have it all.

**Yippee hah this took so long to type...but this is to my one and only SAVIOR..I love you, thnxs for everythn'. Comment m vote pelase...Lissa**


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  • 18 years ago

    by alex

    Great poem it shows all yur emotions without words

  • 18 years ago

    by Tripp

    You carry my pain by
    name, and I am left
    with no shame.
    Through you this love
    has come, and through
    your Son, this will is done.

    such amazing emotion, love, meaning, and depth in those lines...there aren't enough words to describe how deep this is haha. the entire poem spoke to me, and this is prolly one of my favorites by you. they should have a favorite poems section...anyway, absolutely excellent job.