Because Death is Not Enough

by Erin   Feb 6, 2004

Clasp me in irons,
Give me my chains of confinement,
Keep me in my dark abyss
Until my heart transforms to ebony.

Let my face grow cold,
My eyes fade from blue,
Let me be the object I despise,
The thing I’ve been fighting to not become.

Let the water fill the well,
Let it lock me there forever,
Keep me from the beauties of the earth,
Let the flames reach the heavens.

Make my walls come crashing down,
Let the air I breathe,
Burn my inner core,
Confine my pain within me.

Allow the wind to tear at my flesh,
Keep my heart from mending,
Let my path be of broken glass,
No shoes to block the agony.

Let my days be full of blackened fire,
Nights have cold, trembling fear,
Let me have no water to quench my thirst,
No food to ease the pain.

Let me walk full of bullets and knives,
Make my wounds never heal,
Let the mirrors show the truth inside,
Show me what I wish not to see.

Give me all the tortures of this world,
Let not one tear ease my cries,
I would live each day with all this torment
To keep your live from grief.


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  • 21 years ago

    by Melody

    holy flippen monkies! that is the most touching poem ever! Its really REALLY nice! I loved how you just described that death wasnt enough to take the pain away that was a very emotional line. I love it! good job Erin! You should get a flippen 5.0 for this mother! <claps for Erin> lol adios babe! take care! oh by the way I think you were the person named Krystal who wrote the comment on my poem! teehee ~Melody

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