Litttle girls sturggles

by skye   Apr 21, 2006

She sits alone at night and cries
she thinks about all the hurt inside
and wonders why shes still here
her soul within has already died
a lonely girl was left behind
hidden in a body of scars and pain
she longs for a sense of freedom
to rid all the memories that remain
they night she was killed
where her self esteem broke
the endless sleepless nights
where she'd hide when she woke
where caused by selfish men
that destroyed that little girl
robbed her of her innocence
let her suffer in a depressive whirl
instead of letting go of the tears
she locks them up inside
hoping they'll just all go away
and no-one will know shes lied
but instead the leaked out
and everybody was aware
the cuts on her wrists a clue
expresses that life's unfair
instead of just getting help
she needed to be saved
she started telling friends lies
for attention that she craved
scared they'd think shes crazy
that shes just making a huge deal
she pretended things were worse
until she thought that were real
friends disappeared unable to cope
they ignored her desperate cries
her longing lonely plee's
her tangled web of lies
because inside they were like her
they were dying from within
so this lonely little girl
just decided to change her life
prove that she was stronger
and abandoned the knife
this little girl now age 16
lives for the day to day
her friends so proud of her
in each and every single way
shes changed for the better
everyone can now see
but deep inside there a cracks
and pain seeping through to flee


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  • 18 years ago

    by Finalgravedigger

    Well usually its best to move on in these situations its hard but the best nice poem maybe u can read one of mine 5/5