Rainbow Connection

by myshiningstar14   Apr 21, 2006

Red tears, the sign that death
has won, and is still number
one. Red signifies the
connection of hurt and pain;
and of tears and love so vain.

Orange popsicles that melt in
the sun, and kids who love to
have fun.

Yellow, oh what brightness it
brings. Lemon drops and sun
kissed lips.

Green mean deeds, that hide in
the reeds. They come and
bury us alive, hoping no one
will survive.

This is the rainbow connection,
through the colors of this world
we find this connection.

Blue skies, and no more hidden
lies. Thunderous cries of a
renewed soul, and lives made

Indigo, how I hope we make it
so. The rich, the poor and the

Violet, the making of raging
anger and depression that
soon defines and creates
such lines.

This is the rainbow connection.
through the colors of this world,
we find this rainbow connection.

**ok so some how this came to me I wanted to write a poem that included all colors and all types of people..well i tried hope i succeeded...lataz'

Lissa :) **


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  • 17 years ago

    by LoreNz0

    I really love this poem i think its excellent. =]]

  • 17 years ago

    by LoreNz0

    I really love this poem i think its excellent. =]]

  • 18 years ago

    by stargirl49

    Hey there, best friend!!! isn't this the one i helped you with in the beginning of the year in mr. rob's class? i remember that day sooo well. you were rrreeeeaaalllllyyyy hyper!!!
    luv ya!!
    keep up the good work, and don't be a stranger!! call me already!!!!

  • 18 years ago

    by The Poetic Child

    Wow....Very Very Unique and Diffrent
    Greaaaaattt jooob
    i like the color thing...
    I might try something around that
    great job