Just Won't Trust You..

by kittykat0232   Apr 22, 2006

I tried my best to make you understand
Three times is all I can withstand
I gave you chances beyond belief
But you just go ahead and leave

This is my second poem written to you
You might as well consider it my last
Because this pain is going away fast
I told you, I don't want to get close anymore
Every time I do you just walk out the door
I'm not getting closer just to get hurt
I'm not forgiving your broken words
As I said in Empty Promises
I just can't trust you anymore..

It hurts for me to say this
But you blew your last chance
Kiss it goodbye and out my heart
And Through the window stand

You just don't get it because I really love you
But I just can't trust you
You say you wont do it
Then I come home
And your gone
You never even call!

I'm sorry but I just cant take it
My heart doesn't want to keep on breaking
I'm sorry but I told you my respect you were starting to lose
But now you've lost my heart too

I'm sorry to tell you...
But this is the end
You blew your chance, its gone like the wind
So I'll you see someday
And when I do
I'll say hello...but I just wouldn't trust you...


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  • 16 years ago

    by nikki

    I absolutely loved this poem.
    and you think my poems are good, well i beg to differ. it was totally amazing, very good. i think everyone can relate to this in one way or another, a def 5/5 from me

  • 17 years ago

    by Tiffani

    This was an awesome poem. ecpecially for me rite now. u kno exactly how i feel in this case then..... i loved this poem


  • 18 years ago

    by X2892

    Excellent poem it was so good, i enjoyed reading it, keep up the good work, 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Michelle

    WOW!!!! WONDERFUL!!! I'm sooo jealous! You write WAY better than me! Excellent! I love it! Who is this poem to?


    Rating: 5/5!!! Excellent work! Keep it up! You go girl!

  • 18 years ago

    by cherish

    Ooh this is a really good one....i think every girl can relate to this and those are the best ones...where you can feel/picture the pain..
    love it...

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