Because I Know You're Worth it...

by myshiningstar14   Apr 22, 2006

I'm feeling so nervous,
trying to be so perfect,
because I know you're
worth it.

I just want to be all I can
for you, and more. I want
to show you what's in store.
I've burned myself to the
core, and it's because you're
worth it.

My cheeks are turning red,
I'm going over the words
I've said. What do you think?
My tears fall into the sink, is
this it? Have I found you?

I'm feeling so nervous,
trying to be so perfect,
because I know you're
worth it.

I just want to love you as
you are, we've come so far.
I've tried so hard, and it's
because I know you're
worth it.

My words begin to take their
form, like a swarm of
butterflies. What do you think?
My heart branded in your hands.
is this it? Have I found you?

I'm feeling so nervous,
trying to be so perfect,
because I know you're
worth it.

**so the chorus might sound familiar to all u Avril fans(i'm feeling so nervous, trying to be so perfect, because i know you're worth it.) I jsut love that part and took the rest from their... the rest is original...enjoy. By the way burning myself to the core here basically means looking for love again and again.....lataz'



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  • 18 years ago

    by The Poetic Child

    This was was a great poem
    only thing was your flow
    but expression and rhyme was great