Comments : I love you

  • 18 years ago

    by craig

    Hey there trisha its a made up poem, thanks for commenting though very nice of you, thanks!. it kind of evolved like most of my poems in too a story with meanining which relates and resonates with me. this poem has a message that there is beauty and niceness in the world its just some people cant see it, but its there, and not just in nature but in your heart lies beauty also, its everywhere so dont let bitterness suffocate it, at times i often do this so maybe its hypoctitacal too say this or maybe i can just take a look from the outside anyway take care and peace too you! x

  • 18 years ago

    by tash

    You're poem was one of the ost beautiful i have heard yet, i honestly think you have talent so dont let it go to waste.XoxoxoxoX.

  • 18 years ago

    by TaNyabAbEE

    I lOvE thIs It's grEAt!! thAnks fOr cOmmEntIng On mY pOEm. YOU hAvE sOmE AwEsOmE tAlEnt. kEEp wrItIng, YOU'rE rEAllY gOOd!!:)