My Long Lost Twin

by HOLLY ARMER   Apr 23, 2006

Poetically speaking
she's simply one of the best
writing of heartfelt dreams
with such vigor and zest

Exposing her thoughts
each conveyed line by line
as the beating of her heart
keeps in perfect time

I'm thankful to the Lord
for aligning the stars just right
For in total darkness
she's my eternal light

A truly enchanting friend
whom I'm blessed to know
I'll carry you in my heart
always everywhere I go

So here's to a friendship
that's unique and true
to my long lost twin
yes, Luanne....that's you!

*Written for Luanne of CC&P. Your such a dear friend, I'm thankful everyday for you....


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  • 18 years ago

    by Lisa

    A beautiful poem of appreciation Holly. I love the words you choose to express your feelings absolutly brilliant.

    Take care, Lise

  • 18 years ago

    by Nee

    I like friendship poems overall
    your poem was really nice ,peacefull and so simply written!
    I can't blv I'm finding some old members here hehe!!
    you're such a talented writer so Keep up the excellent work
    OfCourse 5/5
    NemO XxXxXxX

  • 18 years ago

    by BlueDreams

    Holly, where do i start to beautiful poem you penned here, marvellous....keep your smiling, take care. bert.

  • 18 years ago

    by ~TornBecauseOfYou~

    She must appreciate this..Because that was a Great/Wonderful thing you did for her..
    Great Job i loved it
    Had Nice Rhyme
    Excellent flow
    and a Slendid Message
    Great job

  • 18 years ago

    by Lu

    OMG ......Holly I am all teary eyed now !
    Thank-you for writing such a beautiful poem I will cherish it forever .

    I am sorry I have fallen behind in commenting on your wonderful poems .My hubby has started his own business at home and I was hoping to have another phone line in soon but as luck would have it has not happened yet .So unfortunatly because of stupid dial-up (that's all we get here) I am forced to only spend a few minuts at a time on the internet in order to keep the phone lines open ....Well after all that said I just have to say " dial -up sucks"

    I have been coming on sometimes late at night to post my poems for challenges and stuff and I must say "I am pretty scary looking in the next morning .....all baggy eyed" LMAO

    Take care Holly girl , Muah !!