Comments : My Long Lost Twin

  • 18 years ago

    by Lu

    OMG ......Holly I am all teary eyed now !
    Thank-you for writing such a beautiful poem I will cherish it forever .

    I am sorry I have fallen behind in commenting on your wonderful poems .My hubby has started his own business at home and I was hoping to have another phone line in soon but as luck would have it has not happened yet .So unfortunatly because of stupid dial-up (that's all we get here) I am forced to only spend a few minuts at a time on the internet in order to keep the phone lines open ....Well after all that said I just have to say " dial -up sucks"

    I have been coming on sometimes late at night to post my poems for challenges and stuff and I must say "I am pretty scary looking in the next morning .....all baggy eyed" LMAO

    Take care Holly girl , Muah !!

  • 18 years ago

    by ~TornBecauseOfYou~

    She must appreciate this..Because that was a Great/Wonderful thing you did for her..
    Great Job i loved it
    Had Nice Rhyme
    Excellent flow
    and a Slendid Message
    Great job

  • 18 years ago

    by BlueDreams

    Holly, where do i start to beautiful poem you penned here, marvellous....keep your smiling, take care. bert.

  • 18 years ago

    by Nee

    I like friendship poems overall
    your poem was really nice ,peacefull and so simply written!
    I can't blv I'm finding some old members here hehe!!
    you're such a talented writer so Keep up the excellent work
    OfCourse 5/5
    NemO XxXxXxX

  • 18 years ago

    by Lisa

    A beautiful poem of appreciation Holly. I love the words you choose to express your feelings absolutly brilliant.

    Take care, Lise