I'm Falling

by myshiningstar14   Apr 23, 2006

I'm falling I've fallen
and I can't get up.

I'm falling I've fallen,
and I want to make
it up.

I'm falling I've fallen
and I've screwed it up.

I'm falling I've fallen
and we're not broken

I'm falling I've fallen
have you had enough?

I'm falling I've fallen
so let's crank it up.

I'm falling I've fallen
let's paint it up.

I'm falling I've fallen
let's dance it up.

I'm falling I've fallen
let's play it up.

I'm falling I've fallen
am I being too rough?



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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by LoreNz0

    Aww this is sweet, its nice to write a poem to apologise for sumthing.

  • 18 years ago

    by AnAstAciA

    I've been in similar situation...but i never had the chanse, that i was sorry....:( Oh...well....Your poem is very truthful... and comes from the heart!!!!Well done keep it up...:) 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by The Poetic Child

    This would of "looked" better if you made it in a Stanza of Four.. instead of a Couplet..This poem was really nice
    and it was Original and Classic
    Great job