Comments : Day 1-Forever

  • 18 years ago

    by The Poetic Child

    This poem is truly Sad
    and truley amazing
    Great job
    I might actually Write a poem like this
    You mind if i do that little Day thing like you did..
    i wont do it if you dont want me to
    Great job again

  • 18 years ago

    by xDryTearsx

    I really like your creative structure the day thing .. your an amazing writer ..
    the poem was really emotional and sad .. but really great poem.

  • 18 years ago

    by stargirl49

    Awwwwwww, lissa!!!!!!! was this written during that time when i was helping you keep smiling? when you and johnny were at odds? awwww, girl, i remember that! i'm glad i know that you're happy now. (even tho you traded us pennsylvanians in for ppl from utah!)
    i luv you!!!