Comments : Please baby please forgive me

  • 18 years ago

    by The Poetic Child

    Wow you can tell your emotion was put through this
    by your words of just saying please forgive me..
    great job
    I loved it so much
    and your dedication is touching
    great job

  • 18 years ago

    by Tripp

    Not your best, but the fact that it isnt your best is covered up by the fact that its so filled with love, emotion, and're skilled at putting emotion into rhymes and lines...(haha that rhymed and i didnt even mean it to...)just remember Lissa that if love is true, nothing can break it, no matter what. just keep trying...excellent job, keep up the great poems

  • 18 years ago

    by xDryTearsx

    Aw the emotion your words give out and every time you said you were sorry was an intense apology that couldnt be ignored. the only thing i can say about the poem is where the line cuts off to make another line it was a little wierd bcuz it was like a pause in your sentance. well i dunno if that made sence but yea lol

  • 18 years ago

    by stargirl49

    Good job, sexy!!