The Sin

by HOLLYWOODxBANGBANG   Apr 24, 2006

Set upon a hill of roses;
Underneath the sky so blue,
Lays a castle, so white and true;
The echoed silence rings, as the steel heart door within closes.

A moat decorated with white doves, encloses the castle in;
Sapphire water trickles under the lily pads on top the stream,
And beyond the walls, an innocent princess does dream;
A desire never to be met from the depths within.

Underneath the flags whipping in wind gusts;
Behind the windows guarded by strong men and steel bars,
She prays upon her knees, gazes up to the stars;
Her heart an ecstasy of fire, burning with pure lust.

The dragon breathes fire at the stroke of dawn;
Love ablaze in her crystal eyes,
And in him, the fate of her destiny lies;
For in the chessboard of life, she is just a petty pawn.

Footsteps creep up the stairs in the middle of the night;
She lays in bed, wide awake, tears tearing her apart,
A blade slowly tracing out her fast beating heart;
The pain fighting it's way to her with all it's might.

She gazes at you in the pastures underneath the moon;
Equipped with your whips and chains,
You climb a top your noble steed and jerk on the reins;
The gallops ring in her ears, knowing what you truly mean when you say you'll be back soon.

The rain pounds hard against the tiles;
The thunder crashes in the pitch black skies,
As her fading onyx heart slowly dies;
And the lightning flashes in her crimson-tear stained eyes, of which is so vile.

You ride away on your high horse as fast as you can;
Running from your past and your regrets,
The prizes that you've won just don't satisfy your bets;
You are but one speck of a man.

She lays on her bed, waiting for you to return;
Face as white as snow, eyes as red as blood,
Clothes stained with dirt and mud;
But from your mistakes, you refuse to learn.

She rocks back and forth in her bed;
Clutching a bottle of vodka close to her crying heart,
A razor blade ready to start tearing her apart;
A locked gun, ready and loaded, pressed up against her head.

She awaits, lost and broken in this fairy tale;
Praying for God to take her life,
From the day that you stabbed her with your bloody knife;
And you slammed shut the coffin door, enclosing it with a nail.

They lay her underground and carry on;
She screams in agony, and laughs in death,
Her eyes shoot open as she loses her breath;
And you place one red rose on top the coffin to show that the sin is gone.

© Jenna Elphick
April 23 2006


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  • 18 years ago

    by eric

    WOW i loved that poem kept me thinking in every stanza...a definate 5/5 thanks for sharing :)