The part where hearts start pounding
And blood pours from the veins in an open sweat
And the screaming in the night
Tells you that tomorrow isn't going to be just
"another day."
Where the sun glows a brilliant orange
And the white daisies aren't
tainted black.
Where children stay skipping on the sidewalk
And swinging on the red chained swing set
Because their conscious has been fed the lies
"It'll all. Be. Okay."
Because you know it really isn't,
And this harlequin masks aren't holding up,
Painting the swirled Pollack paintings
Of destruction as this world comes colliding into a chaos
It has never felt or imagined before.
There was a warning, but only the dogs and wild beast in the mountains heard it.
And the rest of humanity was too caught up in the
Greed and
Of power,
Instead of listening for the call to arms
Of morale and salvation.
So now we lie bleeding,
Because what can be done?
It's over.
Silence covering a desolate wasteland where we
But now we're