Just A Dream...

by HOLLYWOODxBANGBANG   Apr 26, 2006

She lays awake late at night,
Hugging a pillow tight.
Suffocating her sobs and silencing her screams,
Stumbling her way through broken dreams.
She trips and she falls upon her face
A heart within the hollow no longer draped in linen and lace.
The crowd is staring down at her, pointing and laughing at her pain,
And she looks down upon her wrist, blood flowing from her veins.
The tears are trickling down her porcelain face as white as snow,
And outside the window, she is being watched by a crow.
It cocks its head to the side, watches her every move,
Waits for her point to come across, thinking she has something to prove.
The words engraved into her skin, beating through her mind,
Gnawing at her aching insides.
She walks to wards the window, fake smile pressed to her lips,
The blood from her body slowly drips.
Splashes along the floor as she stands along the window pane,
She wobbles back and forth in the wind and swears to herself that she is sane.
Her feet let go, she soars straight down to the streets ten feet below,
The people surrounding clap at the show.
The crow soars down, stands on top of her shoulder and slowly hops down to her hips,
Slowly eats at the hole cut above her heart as her tears dry against her lips.
The faces slowly fade as she rots on the streets,
And her eyes shoot open, she rolls over feeling the tears on her sheets,
Just a dream, but will it ever come true?
Because I have lost all hope and no longer know what to do.

© Jenna Elphick
April 26, 2006


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