Comments : My Brother and Grandpa raped me

  • 18 years ago

    by CiNDY iS BAkk

    Hey gurl,
    I'm soooooo sorry fo rwat happened to you! I got raped myself but not from my relative! I'm so sorry! I'm so glad that you are not cutting, burning, etc. your self any more! I was like that too, but yeah I also have some one to turn too when I wanna do that! Yeah well take care okay and if you need to talk to some one I am here too! e-mail! Check my poems if you want!

  • 18 years ago

    by nadsyy

    Im sorry u were raped by ur bron must b hard jst living everyday!...well i jst want to say stay strong n hope u'l b able to move dia mwaz

  • 18 years ago

    by Katherine

    Your poem was great. I`m sorry that this happened to you. I`m also glad that you were able to tell someone about what had happened to you and so on. You should check out my poem a rape story. If you ever need to talk or what ever you can email at

  • 18 years ago

    by true secret emo

    That is so sad but its a good thing that u told someone, alot of people dont.

  • 18 years ago

    by Tyrael

    You poor child, my dear you have my comfort. If you ever need to talk, I'm here. Please, read my poem. Refer me to all the girls you know who've been raped, you'll see why.

  • 18 years ago

    by Ashleigh Skye

    Wow this is just so sad that I had to comment on it.. I am SOOO sorry no one deserves any of the pain that you have lived through.. You have been through hell and back but you still continue to fight it... and thats all that matters.. as soon as you stop fighting, you let them win. never let your enemies win. and thoes people who did this to you may be your family by name but by nothing else.. remember that, a real family member would never cause anyone they loved as much pain as they have caused you! I hope things are better for you now, and I am really glad that you have stopped hurting yourself, I think that you should talk to someone about this though because it is such a large betrayal that it would be very hard to cope with.. take care, stay strong, my best wishes for you and your future. It takes a lot of guts to post such a personal story on here, especially when some peopel just ridicule and damage. but I hope that in sharing this it made you feel a little better. Take care.

    Silent Song aka Hayley J

  • 16 years ago

    by Katherine

    I don´t know how old you are. But I know one thing you´ll never forget what happened to you. But you´ll learn how to deal with the situation as the time goes by. How to block the memories at night or during the day. My brother always told me this to shall pass and I believe it will. Everything happens for a reason we don´t know why at first but later you´ll discover why. Your not alone even though you might feel so. But your not. If you ever want to talk write a message. 5/5