
by BlackRoses14   Apr 30, 2006


Ten thousand years having gone by,
The longing to hear another cry.
All alone you sit in the deep,
as you're heart sits in mournful weep.

Until one day a sound arose,
Soothing all you're agonizing woes.
Calling out after a thousand years flown by,
something calling you up toward the sky.

Days and months fly right by,
but still you rise up to the sky.
Higher and higher up you climb,
till you reach the surface after quite some time.

But your journey doesn't end there.
It may take a few days but you don't care.
You don't want to be alone anymore,
So you tare your way toward the shore

"The nights to night," you say in glee,
"I'll be able to see another like me".
As you rise up from the sea,
you're heart is pounding with glee.

Once you rise, you look out,
to see if the thing that was calling you is about.
And right in front of you, their it is!
But it just sits their, that's it.

Except it calls and calls looking for you,
and you call out to it from the great blue.
All of a sudden it stops calling out.
You start to panic, and give a few more shouts

But no response came from the thing that you mostly desired.
You're eyes light up like a blazing fire
and blazing toward the thing,
and then, from the water, you spring

You thrash at the creature that you now hate,
You thrash at it with all your strength.
Finally once your anger is gone,
you start to think "What have I done?"

You cry out sending out great sounds,
that can be heard by all of the near by towns.
You cry out in to the night,
but when you saw the morning light,

You crawled your way back to the sea,
and you swim back to the deeps of the dark lonely sea.
Ten thousand years having gone by,
the longing to hear another cry.


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