You or Him

by mysterious lady   Apr 30, 2006

I loved you so much
You were all i had
I told you i loved you every time i had
Than you broke me, like a arrow breaks a heart
I loved you and you broke me apart

Than there was that one night, where i can be as new
With a smile on my face and a new outfit too
Than i saw a new someone, with the same name as you
Than he asked me to dance, and
with that smile i knew

A new love for me and a new love for you
I danced and talked with him every chance i got
We drifted closer as we talked
Than i thought of you and new you still loved me
but i took a new path with him that have saved me

We danced away and i forgot about you
You became a blur and i couldn't see you
This new guy that came along have had saved life
and i hope that one day we can dance again
Like that one night last night

As i sit here thinking of him
I now remember you and think what you have did
Do i go back to you?
or do i go to him?

As i thought of him
I ever once thought of you
I want him and maybe not you
but what to do?


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  • 18 years ago

    by Weeping Wolf

    Uhoh so hard to choose! which one if hotter? hehe jk i like this poem.