A Tribute To Ashley R.
Gone in the blink of an eye
Now all anyone can do is painfully sigh
A pretty girl taken away
Now this is all people can say
She was taken away on a frightful night
And everyone ran to see the sight
A loved girl with a solemn face
A favored girl gone without a trace
To never be seen again
Be hanging out with her friends
A good friend to all people
Never again to see a church steeple
Except the ones in her dreams
Which can never be reality
A good girl who was there for her friends
Right up until the very end
Until the tragic night
When she was called towards "the light"
A friend whom one can never forget
She liked everyone she met
A tribute to her name
Some act as if it is a game
None can see it eye to eye
As I do when I stand by that accident site.
A certain tree which will bring back so many horriable memories
Now if I am to see her I am to visit a cemetery.
A friend who is there no matter what
This is what I thought
Of a good friend whose name
I will never think of the same
A special girl without a doubt
That she was the most favorite of all
Unlike most girls she was known best one of all
For the times that she was there for everyone
This is what I call a good friend.