Can You See It?

by Poetvoices   May 3, 2006

I see potential.
You're naked and empty.
Some see a chore.
I see potential.

I see possibilities.
Nothing has been done to you.
Some see work to be done.
I see possibilities.

I see everything.
A blank surface on which
to record my thoughts and feelings.
Some see nothing.

You're a piece of paper.
Like my canvas, like my creative beginnings.
Some see nothing.
I see everything.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Ruthie

    *grins* as always my lovely sister i loved it!!! i love to see people experementing with different kinds of poetry and pull it off! u did this fabulously and i loved the rempeted "I see" good job hun! *hugs*

  • 18 years ago

    by Stuart

    Excellente! Perfecto! Keep it up or I will attack with ninja kittens!

  • 18 years ago

    by Fighter (Ariane L.)

    Love it!!

    "Some see nothing.
    I see everything."

    that was the PERFECT ending!! wow.. fabulous poem!! keep it up!

  • 18 years ago

    by Cody

    This is the first time I've read any of your poems and I love it i believe I will read more of your poems now