A Best Friend

by Snowdrift   May 3, 2006

A best friend is some one who is always there
even when your down
or out
or ready to give in
that's a best friend
a best friend is there
when the going gets hard
and a "friend" gives up and
you can't call them a friend
i'm lucky
i have about 10 friends
but only 3 real friends,
if your upset
a friend is the first to know
if something happened
even at 3 am
its your real friends who are willing to pick up
if you need some one there just to pat your back
its a real friend who will do it
a friend will go with you to a funeral
but a real friend even if they don't go
will be there with you the whole time
there to comfort you
and hand you a tissue
and to cry with
will you be my best friend?
you don't have to say it
i don't care if you feel the same way
to me you already are.

**I by mistake uploaded a mix of two differnt poems, but it seems no one took to much notice, i guess it still makes sence, but its two differnt topics, heh. oh well. i'll leave it as is for now unless some one tells me otherwise.**


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Latest Comments

  • 16 years ago

    by Ghost

    Im sure A best friend has all of that. I dont have any friends but this poem, really shows how much im missing. It's a wonderful piece of work so Keep it up!


  • 18 years ago

    by goldie

    Great poem. i luv it. its so sweet and true

  • 18 years ago

    by valerie

    I totaly agree,that some it up for me about a friend.
    I have few friends online,real friends.
    they are hard to find these days, that true friend.but in the end god will bless,us and find that special someone.