You don't know what I am about,
Who I am,
Or what my feelings are,
You left without knowing,
And you didnt even say goodbye.
You dont know what my life is w/out you.
I thought I had you forever,
To hold me in your arms,
Which I miss the most.
You dont know what hell you've put me through,
But I guess that was just your way of breaking free.
You may be free but Im not,
You dont know what I still feel for you
How I still love you,
but still hate you.
I loved you and thought it forever but now,
Your heart is for someone else. You dont know that every time I see you and her,
It hurts me,
As if Im being stabbed in the heart,
I cry and just fall apart.
Because you show her more love than you showed me.
How is it that I feel pain when we're not together anymore?
You dont know or realize that when you left,
you still had my heart.
You took it without giving it back.
Though pieces have returned,
Some remain with you.
You stole my heart and I yours,
We became one.
But after the breakup,
You were one and I none.
You dont see what you had until its gone.
I want you to want me back,
I want you to hold me and say those three very sweet words to me,
But youre gone for good,
Theres no coming back,
You dont know,
You never knew and never will