A-nother tear rolls down her face
B-eyond her control
C-ant hide her scars anymore
D-ug herself in a deep enough hole
E-verynight she cuts herself
F-orgetting the promises she said she\'d keep
G-rieving over the one she lost
H-e\'s the reason she cuts so deep
I-nside she is dying
J-ust wishing he was there
K-illing herself slowly
L-ove is what they had shared
M-any have tried to help her
N-o one has ever passed
O-ver and over she hears the same thing
P-lease, for me, make this cut your last
Q-uickly they leave her alone again
R-ealising its only him that can stop her bleeding
S-eceretly wishing he would return
T-o stop this pain their friend is feeling
U-ncontrollable pain is what she feels each day
V-eils of tears cover her face
W-aiting for the boy she loves to come back
X-amining the scars that took his place
Y-es the boy still loves her, but thats why he cant return
Z-oning out his feelings for her, its this she\'ll have to learn