Self to Self

by Melissa   May 3, 2006

Listen Self
This is you speaking
I know life has never been a fairy tale for us
Our fairy godmother missed her appointment
Prince Charming didn't care about which slipper fits
Our hero took a wrong turn
The arrow of Cupid hit the wrong girl
And we will never escape the land of Oz
Yet we keep of on following this yellow brick road
We keep getting ready for our Knight in shining armor
We try to find the exact position of those arrows
We keep calling Romeo's name, hoping for a response
And we keep picking pumpkins
Waiting for that beautiful carriage
But we know that all we work for
Will one day bring a happy ending
We ca't get discouraged when Prince Charming doesn't care
And we can't break down and cry
When we realize we're not in Kansas anymore
We just have to keep waiting
And have faith that our hero will find the way
Because as much as we hope, wish and pray
Our life will never be a fairy tale


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