Here I lay, with an empty soul and a hollow heart..
I am aware that in this life, I will no longer be a part.
A careless friend, a horrible daughter I have grown to be,
I must somehow set my spirit free..
At one time, I had put myself in their arms with trust
Yet one by one, they had all slowly vanished.. like dust.
Again, I lay here alone, I am left here..
Time will proceed to elapse as my ending becomes clear..
Painfully, I realize all my nearest friends are so far away
Wishing they\\\'d care about me, I pray..
Knowing they would always be near to help me,
Unfortunately, that is not likely to be..
How could I have ever placed myself in their hands?
Even slightly thinking they would understand?
My life, now black, no longer beautiful and bold..
My blood with begin to run cold..