
by UnToLd TrUtH   May 5, 2006

What does it take?
to get your approval?
should i dress like you,
think like you
be like you?

Do you want me to
be the people I
despise the most?

I can't change the way
I am. I like dark clothes,
loud music, dark make-up.

Why is it so hard to accept?
I'm your daughter
You should love me
no matter what.

Not look down your nose
because I'm not my sister
who is bubbly, popular,
everything I'm not.

But still you treat me
like an incurable disease
You wonder why i never
talk to you

You wonder why I despise
my sister
How I hate her because
she is understood not as
a freak you so frequently
refer me as but as
a daughter.

I hate her for taking
your side, for the fun
times we always used to have
Before I became who I am.

I don't see you taking the blame
for what I've become
You say its my fault
You say my new friends
are the cause for my change,
my unhappiness. you say
that i shouldn't be a follower,
that it is all my fault.

What can i do when
you and dad fight 24/7?
Should I ignore it?
How when you put me in
the middle of it too
choose between you two?

All i want is your approval,
approval to be me, to be
different, to be who i wish
to be, is that to hard to ask?


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  • 18 years ago

    by in.need.of.a.lucky.charm

    I love the way your poem ended, the last verse rocked and made the poem. well done.

    much love and many kisses,

  • 18 years ago

    by Curry

    Awh this is really sad. i gave it a 4 because there is not much rhyming in it and i love poems that rhyme but it is still an amazing poem!

  • 18 years ago

    by Jackie Marie

    This poem made me sad. It hurts whenever you can't get your parent's approval about that stuff. I went through that, too, at one time. We finally got along better once we talked about things.

    This poem is really good. It really deserves a 5/5 and that is what I am going to give you.

    This is my favorite stanza:

    What does it take?
    to get your approval?
    should i dress like you,
    think like you
    be like you?

    Excellent job.

  • I love how you did freestyle on this and how you just made it into what you felt without bothering with rhymes. I felt a lot of emotion, some anger at the least. My only suggestion is that you make the verses all the same length so that the notation fits. But other than that this is great!

  • 18 years ago

    by Stephanie

    Same here. I know how you feel with people not fully excepting who you are. Great job with one. Loved it! 5/5
    Keep it up!


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