
by NotreDameDon287   May 6, 2006

Every time i see you
My heart beats faster
Because of how much
I love you
You are beautiful
No matter what
And I love You
So please don't change
You are beautiful
And every time
I see you
My heart beats faster
When i am mad
I still love you
And when i am sad
I still love you
My heart
Will always beat
as long as
You are near
If you ever need
Anything i will be here
Every time i see you
My heart beats faster

(C) Copyright 2005-2006 by John O'Shea


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  • 18 years ago

    by damaris avila

    I agrre, it is to the point. u did a good job. i liked it

  • 18 years ago

    by Lovely Bones

    That is a very sweet poem =)
    Very nice and to the point. Keep it up!

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