A Medievil Dream

by Lecadia   May 6, 2006

Against a tree this evening grew
Into a deeper nightly state
And upon my lap, nearly napping
I was startled to this debate
A ominous bird came nearly falling
Onto my lap, flapping
Its crimson wings around in fright
But still, only still laughing
It croaked aloud inside his tears
His tears of happiness stop
For within this ominous bird
A message had been dropped
\\\"Excuse me my lord,\\\" it spoke to me
Believing it as it be
I nearly lost my own control
For this bird had spoken to me
\\\"I merely ask your attention
For the king asks for your presence
Even though he lives not near,
I\\\'d like you to follow since
Not nearly anyone would dare upset
Our ever glorious king!\\\"
At this I stared long at this bird
At this most unearthly thing
Never before have I been this startled
To see bird upon my lap
Actually speaking directly to be
Before I fell into nap
I choked, I stuttered trying to gather
The correct words to speak
\\\"Yes, I-I... I\\\'ll come with you
I\\\'ll follow the path you take.
I\\\'ll follow the path you fly and then
I\\\'ll gladly meet your king.\\\"
All of this I gladly said
And I said the most terrible thing
Now, why would I follow this strange
Bird that spoke to me
To an even more stranger king
That I\\\'ve never even seen?
But it was too late, the bird flew \\\'way
I quickly jumped to my feet
Running fast to catch up with the bird
That I wished not to deceive
Not long thereafter, I beheld
A glorious palace, high
One that I had dreamed of before
But only in dreams, it was mine
Before I knew, I knew then there
That then the bird was gone
And with nowhere else to go now here
I approached the castle thereon
The large and ghastly doors lay open
And I stared long in the hall
This long, gracious, and stately hall
That somewhat held an unusual pall
Deep down that hall there was
The room of the king
And there he sat upon his throne
Where his knights did ring
\\\"Approach me peasant, I seek you
I wish to grace you happiness!
I wish you now; come to me now.\\\"
This he called, no less
I walked to him closer, almost in fright
I knew this man none at all
I knew not why he wished me,
Me to be happy out of all
If I was so special I thought no reason why
That me of all should be blessed
Blessed to be given from this king
Such a kind gift of happiness
\\\"But one request I\\\'ll ask of you now
One request is all I ask!
Please destroy the dragon that haunts our village
For no one will accept the task.\\\"
I knew not of fighting or of dragons
Or that dragons even exist
But I felt compelled to accept his ask
For it was a chance that shouldn\\\'t be missed
\\\"I humbly accept this favor
That you so ask of me.\\\"
This I said then he asked
\\\"Is there anything you ask of me?
Surely there is something you wish
For me to give to you
For accepting such a dangerous task.
Is there anything I can do?\\\"


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