Comments : Why Daddy!!!

  • 21 years ago

    by skeeterbabe

    this poem rocks, i hope your sister soon comes to her senses

  • 21 years ago

    by Jenn

    hey, sorry you have to go through all of this.. I read your post and had to read the poem..I hope everything works out and I think that the father should get wat he deserves and if theres any way I could help or you just need to talk just let me know!! But the peom was great...rite from the heart!! keep writing it helps a lot!!

  • 21 years ago

    by skeeterbabe

    thanks jenn for the comment i will try and keep writing. i read some of your poems and they are great, now i realize that im not the only one out there becuase there are alot of sad and depressed teens and people out there and its just so sad. but yeah if u wanna email me u can email me at im always online well not always but i chekc my mail as often as i can thanks for your support!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH JENN!!

  • 21 years ago

    by skeeterbabe

    see thats it my sister should have turned him in i didnt know about it until like 4 months after wards so we went to the police and they said theres nothing they can do because i guesss it was too later to acutally do something abotu it so yeah stupid huh? thanks for commenting on my poem!