
by Beverly Chapman   Feb 11, 2004

I long to be with you
I hope to hell I can
I want to be wrapped in your arms
Tight in your fond embrace
I want to wake beside you
And see your gorgeous face
I long to feel the warmth
Of your bare skin against mine
I wish we were together
I cherish every smile
Every word you speak
Touches me inside
The "I love you's" we both say
Mean so much to me
Every night I seem to dream
In your arms I'll be
I wish that you were by my side
Watching while I sleep
Cuddling close, protecting me
Your breath upon my neck
I miss the way you tickled me
And always made me smile
The nights we spent together
Made me forget for a while
The pain i was experiencing
We pushed that aside
With your arms around me
I could sleep through the night
I love you more
Than I think you know
And more than most can see
So please come sleep by my side
One more night with me


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