Little Girl

by Beverly Chapman   Feb 11, 2004

She smacked her in the face
Smashed her up against a wall
She took a knife and stabbed her
Just to see her fall
She kicked her in the stomach
Washed her anger down with beer
She never stopped to see
Her daughters tiny tears
The little girl struggles
To hold on to her life
She tells her brother to hurry
And to hide the tiny knife

She gets to the hospital
In time to heave a sigh
Then her tiny brother
Watches his sister die
They struggle to revive her
Doing everything they can
Then they hang their heads in shame
And drop her tiny hand
Her little life is gone now
On the table lying there
Her mother just turns away
She wants another beer
The state doesn't stop to think
The mother is to blame
They pull the blankets over her
Her brother screams her name


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