Reality is a foreign word
Let alone concept
Preconceived notions of the way things-
Should and could be
Leave corrupt perceptions of the way they are
Truth is so far a galaxy
And love is even further-and
As far as we know-
Or will we ever know
We only have one another
No label should distort the importance of that
Black, white, Asian, Christian, Jew, Muslim
We are human-
And no matter the circumstance-
That is all we are-
Fragments of nature
And a brief history lesson
We don't own anything-
And we have no right to destroy
Forest are being destroyed to make malls-
Cement over soil-
The logic reminds me of a theory of a virgin being impregnated
I won't judge or discredit anyones personal beliefs
However things have gone too far-
Wars are blooming like flowers in spring
While our fore sons and daughters are being slaughtered in the name of freedom
When freedom is not something they are fighting for
They are fighting in the name of vein
We should paint this country green
Its what we stand for
Its what makes us happy
Its what determines your ranking in society
Money of course
Pride from where you come from
The idea is infantile
You come from slaves and slave owners
You come from hatred
And I'm glad we haven't learned anything
Mental captivity is the method used nowadays
Another label-
Lets destroy every flag
And earth is what we go by
From this day forth