Innocence was lost long ago

by stephalee   May 6, 2006

She walks down the street now

So broken torn and dull

She stares at her feet now

All she can think of is the day

That day long ago

When innocence was taken away

That one sad day she had to walk home

She had to walk the back roads

She had to go alone

The day the ground was covered in frost

The day he ripped off her cloths

The day innocents was lost

Jellies on her feet

Pigtails in her hair

Only tragedy could make the day complete

She lies there on his bed

Hair a mess

Blood on the sheets

Her shirt was ripped

Her underwear too

Her back scars from when she was whipped

Lying still

Silent tears rolling down her face

She had just had sex, against her will

She got out of there

She ran away fast

Looking down her legs are bear

She ran inside

Raced upstairs

Locked her door and began to hide

She’ll put on new cloths

Wipe up the blood

That had dried under her nose

She pretends her life is perfect

She pretends it never happened

What else can you expect?

She was only six

It still stays in the back of her mind

It comes in little ticks

She’s twenty one now and has never been more low

She’s broken torn and crying

Because her innocence was lost long ago


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  • 18 years ago

    by Katt

    Ah, this poem is so sad. It made me cry. I hope this didn't happen to you but if it did know that all guys aren't that way!

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