Frontier Fantasy

by Daniel Puttee   May 7, 2006

This poem describes a 'Mystical Adventure' my class's English teacher took us on.

We were layed down on the floor, Relaxing music was turned on and we all closed our eyes.

Our teacher then talked to the class and we imagined what she said was really happening.

The next lesson we had to write a poem about this 'Adventure'

I am here today to describe to you
A mysterious memory that I've passed through

So sit down and listen as I recall
The wonderful things behind the glass wall

There I was in a tree filled forest
Unbelievably flawless, I'm being honest

I couldn't believe how all was perfect
This was truly a place I could not reject.

This was my place, no one to add
My own little place, my place I had

I was so happy there, I laid down and wept
Releasing the tears I had forever kept

But they were not tears of sad and sorrow,
Tears of happiness and despise of tomorrow

But deep down I knew that this would not last
I would be sent back in time to relive my past

So I continued to lay on the forest floor
And hoped I could stay forever more

All of a sudden at the time of dusk
A cloud came down with a scent of musk

It formed a stairway right before me
And led to the sky as far as can be

I began to climb this stairway tall
Somehow knowing I would not fall

I climbed so high I was no longer below
The heartfelt sorrow of the undertow

And to my surprise, softly drifting
Another cloud approached, slightly lifting

It kept advancing, softly drifting
Forward and on, slightly lifting

Until it came to a sudden stop
And beckoned me to stand on top

I did what I could and followed my heart
I mounted the cloud as it began to start

To start, to carry me away
As I watched the sun set finish the day

I then must've slowly fallen asleep
Because when I awoke I was in a heap

A heap on the floor of a place unknown
Where there was no sound, not a single tone

So I picked myself up from the cold hard ground
And began to explore, just look around

Behind a rock I saw it there
And looked into its eyes and begun to stare

To my surprise it spoke to me
This creature unknown that did not flee

I was allowed to have answered one simple question
I told him my query with no hesitation

I asked this creature the 'Meaning' of life
Why there's running and hiding and strife?

But to my disappointment the creature left
I thought as if he'd committed theft

Stolen the last of my sanity
I was left in the dark with no clarity

I soon came to realise a huge whole in the ground
From which proceeded a dripping sound

I decided to enter this crevice wide
Wishing I knew why the creature lied

As I continued to slowly descend
I thought to myself "When will this end"

Until this tunnel, this hole, this fall
Came to ground with nothing at all

It was flat, just dirt, completely bare
It was so mysterious with nothing there

But then! The ground! It trembled and swayed
The light from the opening above me decayed

I fell over backwards for right before me
From the ground grew a humungous tree

It was so gigantic it blocked out the light
I looked to the sky, just leaves in sight.

And oddly enough, this tree had a door
I opened it wide but wasn't sure

If I should move on to a place unknown
Another place I've never been shown

Inside of this tree was a chair on rail
I sat down and felt as I began to sail

Spiralling down to the depths of below
No where to run, No where to go

The walls of this tree, Water flowing down
Made myself smile, from my usual frown

I came to the bottom of my descent
My awesome ride to a lesser extent

And oddly enough, there was a door
I opened it wide, but wasn't sure

If I should move on to a place unknown
Another place I've never been shown

But I was wrong and to my surprise
There was my place, it began to arise

My spirits, my soul, my heart inside
Which I thought could not happen, which I denied

So I continued to lay on the forest floor
And hoped I could stay forever more.

But slowly drifted away from my dream
Head in my hands as tears began to stream

For I oh so wanted this place to be real
This imitation to break its seal

I then awoke into reality
A world devoted to brutality

And I left the room with tears in my eyes
My identity to all was no disguise...


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  • 18 years ago

    by Ian Robert

    Incredible write. Powerfull.

    Check out some of my poetry.