Perfect Face

by Manders   Feb 13, 2004

Six feet below the surface
I can still make out you face
If I could just reach you
Maybe I could leave this awful place
No eyes may see me weep
Many silent tears are shed
Whenever others are asleep
No one understands the heart ache and guilt
When I turned away and left you there to face the darkness forever
You left with some loving memories
Some I cannot bare
You are a very special person
Who wanted a way out
I just wish you would have stayed to watch for my "Perfect face"

I miss you Grandma


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  • 20 years ago

    by Natalie84

    My friend Amanda's father killed his self and she talked to me about it a lot and she kept saying maybe if I would have called that day he wouldn't of done it. Suicide is not something people JUST do. Out of no where just decide they are going to do it right then and there....they think about it. And when someone is ready they are just going to do it. You can't stop it. It's never anyone's fault. I feel bad that you felt or feel that way. You shouldn't it. That was a very good poem!!

  • 21 years ago

    by Manders

    Guilty for leaving my grandma alone to face the darkness forever..
    She had committed suicide.. She was so unhappy, and i feel guilty for letting this happen i guess.. nothing can discribe how much that hurt me and my family. I hope that helped you understand where I am coming from. :-)