Take it all in

by Hayli Nicole   May 7, 2006

This world, the nature
Its soothing words.
These simple messages
Are all I've heard.

This melody, the birds
As they sing thier love songs.
Welcomes this bliss
That I've known all along.

This sunlight, the life
That grows all around.
I tune into a symphany
Of a peaceful sound.

This shade, the breeze
Flows over my skin.
I inhale, exhale
As I take it all in.

This was a response in literature class to my favorite quote:

"I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life"
-Henry David Thoreau

And so I sat
And pulled everything out of life that I could. I have now learned that when I feel I can't handle the day ahead, I can sit and tune into nature and all the problems just float away.


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