Still today she looks, looks back and thinks,
Thinks that it was her fault somehow,
But then she knows it would be wrong, it was all him,
He was the pig, who took control of a girl,
The man should have known it was wrong.
Sometimes she wonders if ending her life,
If ending her life would take the pain away,
But then he would win,
He would know he got away with what he did,
For the pain would be greater on her to end it,
So she waits for him to pay for what he did.
She sits in her room and wonders,
Wonders if the pain will ever be over,
The pain of the memories that always return,
She thought it would be over once she told,
Hoped it would be permanently out of her mind.
That was just a childish wish she now knows,
For now comes the hardest part of all,
The hardest part of all, is to face it all,
She wants him to pay for what he did,
But she knows, knows nothing will happen to him.
Lawyers tell her, and so does everyone else,
That he will pay, but in her heart she wonders,
Wonders if the pain will go away,
The pain will never go away
Never go away, because he still denies it!
She knows what he did, and so does he,
She could tell every time she looked at him,
She feels he is just toying with her,
Thinking he would get away with the pain,
The pain he caused her so many years ago.
She’s scared of him,
Scared he’s going to get away with what he did,
She now knows though, he knows what he did,
He couldn’t even look at her in the courtroom,
That there told her that he knows, and is too much of a coward,
Too much of a coward to fess up to what he did.
At the courthouse on the stand,
The girl tells her story, just details of the painful night,
He can’t even look at her, she now knows he knows,
He knows because he’s too ashamed to look her in the eye,
To look her in the eye and accept what he did,
When he put her through hell.
With the help of family and friends,
She decides to face him and tell him of the pain,
The pain he had caused her at the age of 13,
She knows he should pay,
Pay for what he did.
But the law doesn’t help she thinks,
Doesn’t help put him away because of lack of evidence,
She knows what he did, only it’ her word vs. his,
On the outside she hopes he will pay,
But on the inside she’s scared he’ll get away with what he’s done.
She’s scared he’ll get away,
Get away with taking a 13-year-old girl’s innocence away,
He’s made her push everyone away,
She pushes everyone away, afraid she’ll get hurt again.
The court she fears will ruin her,
She’s heard so many cases like hers,
All these cases the good people like her loose,
And the criminal gets away with all he’s done, coyly with a smile.
Every night she prays to god, prays to god,
That he’ll take the pain away and punishes,
Punishes the man that haunts her life,
But she knows her fate is in the court.
She prays he will be sent to jail,
She hopes he will get put away for along time,
But she feels he will get a slap on the hand,
A slap on the hand is what she fears he will get,
He won’t get much for ruining a girl’s life; his pain will soon be over,
But hers will still be long lasting,
This she fears will send her over the edge.
All she can do is now hope,
Hope it will all work out in the end,
That her pain and horrible memories will be gone,
He will be put away, away from hurting,
Hurting and taking advantage of another,
Another scared little 13-year-old girl like her.
Fate of this case is all in god’s hands,
Hopefully she prays, all of this,
All of this wouldn’t have been for nothing,
But through it all, she wonders when,
When will this now scared 16 year old,
16 year old girl’s pain, finally be over?