
by The Awaken One----Josh   May 8, 2006

The pain is everywhere
Its flooding my senses
Surrounding my heart
Turning me cold and dead

I could not cry
I could not weep
My body was dieing from within

Losing the fight
Falling into the darkness
Drifting down into the depths

You dove into the depths
Pulled me out
You brought me back
Warming me up

I came back to life
Enveloped by your warmth
Relaxing in your arms

You helped me cry
You helped me weep
Cared for me

I feel in love with you
The more you cared for me
The more I loved you

I became scared
To tell you my secret
Scared of what you would do

Hit me, Hurt me, Kill me
Hug me, Kiss me, Love me
I was scared of your answer

I told you my secret
Scared to death
Waiting for your answer

My heart stopped when You told me
You said you loved me
I was happy, yet frightened

Happy that you loved me
Frightened you would leave me
Scared you would tear me apart
Leaving me to fall into the darkness

If you left me, I would support you
Even lossing my soul if you left
I'm scared. I don't want you to leave
I love you but I'm afraid.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Mandie

    This is a very good poem kinda hits me with what going on in my life right now

  • 18 years ago

    by Kayd

    To love is to fear, most people just confuse them sometimes. Keep them seperate and learn as you go.

  • 18 years ago

    by The Forsaken One

    Holy S#!t!! This is a lot like the way I felt about Carmen...

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