Dear God,
Why did you make life?
Why did you make humans?
Did you mean it to be a gift?
A happy thing?
Why'd you mess up on my life?
And no one elses?
What did I do to you?
Was it because I didn't eat my veggies?
Was it because I fell asleep at church?
Was it because I forgot to pray the night before?
Well Dear God....
I'm praying to you now
And I'll eat my veggies
And I promise, I'll never fall asleep when the priest is talking
Dear God,
Just Please
Give me a Happy Ending
(Just a poem. Copied the style of Mattie J.T. Stepanek.)
Reminds me of Matties poems! ((Which i think is one of the best compliments ever given!)) and I really like the way it flows together, its a whole nother style of writting. Write more like it!