A Look in a Mirror

by Artemis   May 9, 2006

A look in a mirror
A tear down a cheek
A sad, lonely smile
A girl very weak

A picture to mourn
A lover to lose
A blank, quiet stare
She still has the blues

A knife in a hand
A cut down an arm
An expression felt
Causing her much harm

A life she has lost
A past to forget
A future to stop
A lot to regret

A path to walk down
A long, hurtful road
A final time now
A new life bestowed


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  • 16 years ago

    by Heba

    It is very sad and touching poem, and i see that you exepressed all your hidden feelings.

  • 17 years ago

    by Krystal

    It had such amazing flow; I'm jealous.
    It was really good.
    Good work, amazing work, keep it up, smile.