As Sharp As a Pencil

by IfIhide11   May 9, 2006

A Stare of an eye
Almost makes you feel Blind
As sharp as a pencil,
So sly and meek
you know it's there
but you never know whats
held beneath
As sly as a pencil
You came around
the corner of my life
But at that point you
made a mistake
I gave you more than you
could take.
I ruined your plans in a
blink of an eye and sat and
watched you go blind
Thenyour point started to dull and grow smaller and smaller you became,
Until it was time to throw you away


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  • 18 years ago

    by Erica Chambers


  • 18 years ago

    by ~Her last tear was fatal~

    Its a good poem and all :D, but at times it didn't really kinda make sense just try working on the flow alittle bit and it will beperfect:D great job

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