To me.. i can relate to a black rose.
i am in the middle of a bunch of red
i cant help but feel different but that
is just the way i grew i cant help but
be unique.
The red roses sway around me showing
there vibe rent colors.
In every breeze they send me a message
it is a message
that only i can figure out and they are helping
me become one with myself and except who i
am as a person no matter how unique i am maby
i am a red rose a heart
The thought sometimes crosses my mind
that maby they are the odd ones in the bushel
of black roses. but i know that even if i was a red
rose i would feel like a black rose on the inside-
as for my destiny i don't know that all i will do
is listen and take in every drop of wiseness that
i can absorb from then.