Just a glance of it could blind me.
If it touches my skin,
I am turned into a mirror,
And its reflection splits into different directions.
Though it does not always seem to be there,
It always is,
It's just hiding from me.
Everything changes with its presence.
Life comes to all things,
And color forms all around me.
Its almost like I'm surrounded by a kaleidoscope.
It reaches to the ends of the earth,
And beings its wonderful life to all.
Some say it paints a picture,
Every time it peeks out from it's hiding place.
Everything that was once dull and gray,
Morphs into a giant rainbow of colors.
My face lights up at the sight of this,
And I see the picture slowly form.
It's the most beautiful thing to see,
When it plays hide and seek with me.
It even puts the blue sky to shame.
A happy mood this wonderful artist puts me in,
Every time it emerges from its secret hiding place.
I know it will always be there,
To make everything beautiful again.