Comments : Valentine's Day Without You

  • 21 years ago

    by Marta

    I just keep reading this poem over and over.. and I just spent my Valentine's alone. My boyfriend was suppose to come to my house and we were suppose to dedicate this day to each other as we promised, it never happened, and I was absolutely devistated. As a surprise, he came to my house. Left me a bouquet of roses, chocolates, and a card saying... goodbye. I know how you feel.

  • 20 years ago

    by nikki

    this was another awesome poem, u always write such amazing stuff, straight from the heart, and i relate to this poem cos i know how it feels, whoever that alicia girl at the start is, i'm in exactly the same place, i broke up with my bf and then realised i loved him more than anything in the world and by the time i realised he was already with this other chick, now its been like a year and i still love him and hes completely over me, it sucks SOOO much, but on valentines day this year he gave me one red rose and i just felt like breaking down into tears right there...... anyways awesome work

  • 20 years ago

    by _the_punk_kid_

    awww, such a saaad piece but so amazingly good too....things will get better :) beanxx