Cock 1
While you're still callow, like the rest
You'll try and try your very best
Though all you'll make is one big mess
Your greatest efforts are a jest
For I could win at any test
Strong and resolute is my crest
Ripe and colorful is my breast
Now unless you wish to taste my zest
You should go back to your humble nest
Cock 2
Brave words you have, my friend, indeed
But I'm not sure that's all you'll need
Conquer, I have, deed after deed
I have never lost, I always lead
Your loss is strongly guaranteed
Against me, you will not succeed
Before it's too late, get down and plead
For soon my friend, you'll be bird seed
Cock 1
Your words each from a different sect
The way you speak, it does reflect
Every stutter I can instantly detect
Correction of yourself has suffered from neglect
I'm sure for this you are a reject
And from each group you've been an eject
You insolence had no effect
I mourn for those you may infect
Cock 2
The way you rant is dry and cold
This games for players so I've been told
But behind your emptiness, behold!
I'm not so sure why you've enrolled
I fear you not, you are not bold
From every crease to every fold
Your talons are dead, they grew so old
Before reality hits you, you'll have been sold
Because I am here to win the gold