Losing the race

by death cab cutie   May 12, 2006

I've got to stop it
I can't go on any longer
I love you so much
and it's just growing stronger

you used to love me back
but that crush went away
I wish it would come again
but it's gone to stay

cuz you said I changed
you don't like the "new" me
so you went back to my best friends
she's better then I could ever be

it's just making me jealous
seeing you two in bliss
so I can't go on
loving you like this

I hope you understand
why i'm trying to move on
I can't stand seeing you together
cuz it means our love is gone

I miss when we talked
for what seemed like years
I was in heaven
I forgot all my fears

i didn't want to let go
whenever we'd embrace
but, still, you went for her
I finally lost the race.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Princess

    I love this poem for real it shows it came straight from the heart its great

  • 18 years ago

    by Dan Bloom

    It didnt have to be that way just FYI but i loooove the poem 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Brooke

    Wow! that's a really good poem... 5 out of 5!