Mother with a knife.. Daughter with a rose thorn.

by *fяєyα*εїз   May 14, 2006

---©Copyright by Gilma S. -----

Mother with a knife.. Daughter with a rose thorn..


With a knife I'll wash you're brain,
so you realize what you have done,
so you're mind clears from the things people said,
so you're life would be mine and I would achieve my goals.

With a knife I'll drain you'reblood,
I'll leave the worst scars that the ones you left on me,
when you'relife I ggave

With a knife I'll draw you tears,
to make you to look like if your sorry for making me have you.

And with that knife you show what kind of person are you,
With that knife I see who's the real person I used to respect,
with that knife the hate you have Will be gone,
With that knife you'll disappear what you have.
With that knife your daughter will be gone,
with that knife you're going to try to make her obey you,
with that knife you're going to ask for the respect you don't deserve,
With that knife my blood will drain and with the rose you gave me that now its dead I'm going to pick it up and with a thorn Ill use my blood and write to you..

Mother, after all I love you, even though all the hate you have for me just for making me be born,
even though you blame me for all the wrongs things you do, and I forgive you, the unforgiving things a mother would do.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Candice

    Wow, this is a very good poem it shows the evil of the mother but how much the daughter did love her mother it's very sad but amazing. 5/5