Even The strong Cry

by Same Year Reply   May 14, 2006

She dressed in clothes as dark as coal.
Stones and punches couldn't break her soul.
But there was one thing that caused her pain.
He made the tears fall like rain.

Even the strong cry,
salt water blesses every eye.
Even the mighty fall.
No matter how sturdy or tall.
Every person has a fear.
Every eye will shed a tear.
Even the strong cry.

The try to be perfect guy,
couldn't even imagine he could cry.
Sports game after every class.
But he couldn't forget what haunted his past.
Every night a tear is lost on his pillow.
A secret that no one could ever know.

Even the strong cry,
salt water blesses every eye.
Even the mighty fall.
No matter how sturdy or tall.
Every person has a fear.
Every eye will shed a tear.
Even the strong cry.

Pretty princess of the school.
used people as a tool.
Mean and not to be messed with on the shell.
But her real life was complete a hell.
Her bark was tougher than her bite.
And nothing could make that alright.

Even the strong cry,
salt water blesses every eye.
Even the mighty fall.
No matter how sturdy or tall.
Every person has a fear.
Every eye will shed a tear.
Even the strong cry.

An A plus student
but somehtings he could never forget
Future always looked bright.
But he couldn\'t stand up for himself in a fight.
Why did every one else just walk by,
nothing could stop him to cry.

Even the strong cry,
salt water blesses every eye.
Even the mighty fall.
No matter how sturdy or tall.
Every person has a fear.
Every eye will shed a tear.
Even the strong cry.

2 in the mourning i wake to my surprise.
Can't stop the stream that flows from eyes.
And i believe that I'm strong,
But everything that is right, could be wrong.
My mind wanders to a place far away,
but when i look deeper, I know i can't stay.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Sweet Disposition

    I Really Like This Poem

  • 18 years ago

    by Roxy

    ...:O This caught my eye so badly. Its really good and excellent.The was you describe things catches peoples attention its like your dragging them into a poetry session LOL

  • 18 years ago

    by MorbidCupcake

    Nvr thought of it tht way....hmm

  • 18 years ago

    by MorbidCupcake

    I think this ones my favorite!!