I May Have You Yet You Will Never Have Me

by Lu   May 15, 2006

My fight against Multiple Sclerosis

Eyes that have cried a million tears
once hidden behind a mask of pretend
fearing to reveal the truth behind me
emotions many wouldn't comprehend

These shackles I carry each day
trying to destroy my mind,body and soul
this merciless beast of dominance
waiting to take my power of control

Slowly with each and every passing day
stealing pieces of the person I use to be
mixing me up into a jig saw puzzle
scattered pieces of the real me

Waiting in the shadows of my body
unseen to the naked eye
yet I always know you are there
the reason behind the tears I cry

Leaving me one-eye sighted once again
in darkness, once again made me truly see
how precious life on earth really is
bringing out the fight, again, in me

Time and time again you strike
my smiles and laughter ease the pain
for laughter is the strongest medicine
and I refuse to lose to you again

Maybe it is time you give up and move on
because this is one thing I can guarantee
I may forever have this disease
but this disease will NEVER have me..................


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Latest Comments

  • 10 months ago

    by Gem

    This is what I'm being investigated for at the moment so this has really kinda hit home! x

  • 12 years ago

    by *emmax*

    Now I understand[to some extent] the cahllenge that one goes through, its really eye openning!

    Powerful stuff

  • 12 years ago

    by *emmax*

    Now I understand[to some extent] the cahllenge that one goes through, its really eye openning!

    Powerful stuff

  • 15 years ago

    by Nee

    Writing about a very personal experience and pain like this is never easy on anyone.
    this is one of the poems that makes me so very proud of you Luu..
    Although it is heartbreaking to see you suffer like this, you should know that all the people here love you and support you for this *referring to the previous comments*

    "for laughter is the strongest medicine "
    -True..they say if you deal with your psychological state perfectly, a big part of the disease will eventually die.

    I love you even more for writing this.
    Write on sweetheart =)
    Hugs and kisses

  • 16 years ago

    by killcupidxoxo

    That was amazing and beautiful... i admire your strength